Operation History 運営作業履歴メモ

「渡るボタン」改め「つなぐボタン」計画 ”Pass the Buttons” Project


追記ー2022年1月23日 「渡るボタン」あらため「つなぐボタン」にしようと思います。

Recently, I came up with this idea "Pass the Buttons" project.


This might help people who decided to be a minimalist but cannot throw away sewing related items because feeling guilty somehow.

捨てるに捨てられないを手放す 必要としている人へ Giving away


Since I started this business, some people come to give me fabrics and/or buttons that they don't use anymore. I really appreciate that.


I think that those items came to me with the hope for passing to the people who need them.

私の役割 My role


Many buttons and fabrics laying down in my storage. I have been thinking that I should do something for those. Then, I came to this conclusion that my role is delivering those items to other people who need them.

やることリスト Things to do


It might be good for the first step to sell the buttons on the online shops that I've already run.

as one アズワン 超音波洗浄機
  • ボタンを超音波洗浄機で洗浄。未使用のものは状態によっては洗わない?
    Wash used buttons with an ultrasonic cleaner.
  • 台紙のないものは厚紙に縫い留める。厚紙デザインを考える。
    Special package. Sew the buttons on thick paper. Need a design for printing on the paper.
  • いただいた服や布を利用して包装する。封筒のような形を作って糊で少し張りを出させる?
    Use donated second hand clothing and/or fabric for wrapping instead of plastic.
  • オンラインショップで販売する。とりあえず本店から。
    Sell them on blancoron online shop.


I will announce when I start to sell them.

-Operation History 運営作業履歴メモ
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